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PRISHA ILLUMINATION is about precision. In fact, it embraces precision as a given,while building in flexibility. With over 20 years of experience in lighting industry especially retailing, the expertise is brought is as feedback to enable design change. Interaction with client and end users, consultants, architects & designers, the PRISHA ILLUMINATION range is an effort to build a formidable set of lighting textrues that answer today’s lighting needs. Immaculately Coated, well designed aluminum heat sinks for heat dissipation, acceptable CRI standards especially for retail, and most importantly flexibility’, are some of the aspects that PRISHA ILLUMINATION has taken care of while working at the texture designs through quality making. Considering LED has stormed the market in form of energy efficiency, lamps and textures made with the environment in mind, with optimum effcacy,, is of utmost importance for PRISHA ILLUMINATION.


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